
  • General characteristics

    A subscription to tERA offers a simple and immediate connectivity to the system,
    You can freely choose which communication channel to use in the system: the platform uses either the UMTS wireless channel or Ethernet, with safe and reliable solutions. You can access all the information of the site through any device you have: a PC in your office or you smartphone or tablet wherever your job takes you.

    The solution adapts to the typical needs of machine analysis and grows proportionally to the business generated: you can start from the analysis of a few installations and then choose to compare the data of thousands of systems with more and more detailed information. tDisplay is the service of the tERA platform dedicated to the final user.

    The system offers a basic application with a customizable interface to control system data and to change settings, as if the user were in front of the machine.
    From tDisplay you can also easily check if there are problems and decide how to intervene before "discovering" the failure when it occurs.
    Functions available by activating tDisplay:

    • reading and writing of variables in real time
    • alarm visualization in real time
  • Plus

    • Remote control of your system with adjustments updated in real time.
    • Personalized view of your site for a simple and efficient reading of its condition
  • Video




  • Manuals
    Code Description Language Date * Release
    Code +030222140
    Description tERA - Guida Rapida per il primo avvio
    Language ITA 
    Date 26/05/2017
    Release 2.6
    Code +030222141
    Description tERA - Quick Guide for the first startup
    Language ENG 
    Date 26/05/2017
    Release 2.6
    Code +030222143
    Description tERA - Kurzanleitung für erste Inbetriebnahme
    Language GER 
    Date 26/05/2017
    Release 2.6
    Code +030222144
    Description tERA - Guía Rápida para la primera puesta en marcha
    Language SPA 
    Date 26/05/2017
    Release 2.6
    Code +030222142
    Description tERA - Guide de mise en route
    Language FRE 
    Date 16/06/2014
    Release 2.5
  • Technical Leaflets
    Code Description Language Date * Release
    Code +050001038
    Description tERA Connect Box 2G/3G
    Language ENG  ITA 
    Date 18/05/2017
    Release 1.0
    Code +050001640
    Description tERA Connect Box Ethernet
    Language ENG  ITA 
    Date 15/10/2013
    Release 1.1


  • Brochure
    Code Description Language Date * Release
    Code +3000051EN
    Description tService Rack - Technology under control
    Language ENG 
    Date 01/10/2012
    Release 1.0
    Code +3000014DE
    Description Die integrierte Lösung für die Klimatechnik
    Language GER 
    Date 01/10/2012
    Release 1.0
    Code +3000014EN
    Description the integrated solution for air handling unit control
    Language ENG 
    Date 01/10/2012
    Release 1.0
    Code +3000014IT
    Description la soluzione integrata per il controllo delle centrali trattamento aria
    Language ITA 
    Date 01/10/2012
    Release 1.0
    Code +3000044DE
    Description tERA: Die Dienstleistungs-Ära beginnt
    Language GER 
    Date 01/10/2012
    Release 2.0
    Code +3000044EN
    Description tERA: the service ERA starts now
    Language ENG 
    Date 01/10/2012
    Release 2.0
    Code +3000044IT
    Description tERA: l’ERA del servizio parte ora
    Language ITA 
    Date 01/10/2012
    Release 2.0
    Code +3000044ZH
    Description tERA 现在开始服务时代
    Language CHI 
    Date 01/10/2012
    Release 2.0
    Code +3000051DE
    Description tService Rack - Technologie unter Kontrolle
    Language GER 
    Date 01/10/2012
    Release 1.0
    Code +3000051IT
    Description tService Rack - La tecnologia sotto controllo
    Language ITA 
    Date 01/10/2012
    Release 1.0
    Code +3000052DE
    Description Fernwirklösungen für Ihre neuen Dienstleistungen
    Language GER 
    Date 01/10/2012
    Release 1.0
    Code +3000052EN
    Description Remote control of your new services
    Language ENG 
    Date 01/10/2012
    Release 1.0
    Code +3000052IT
    Description Il controllo remoto dei tuoi nuovi servizi
    Language ITA 
    Date 01/10/2012
    Release 1.0
    Code +3000053DE
    Description Die Anlage unter Kontrolle: Einfaches und wirtschaftliches Warten und Überwachen
    Language GER 
    Date 01/10/2012
    Release 1.0
    Code +3000053EN
    Description Systems under control: simple and low-cost service and monitoring
    Language ENG 
    Date 01/10/2012
    Release 1.0
    Code +3000053IT
    Description L’impianto sotto controllo: manutenzione e monitoraggio semplice ed economico
    Language ITA 
    Date 01/10/2012
    Release 1.0
    Code +3000044ES
    Description tERA: La ERA del servicio comienza ahora
    Language SPA 
    Date 01/03/2012
    Release 1.0
  • Other related documentation
    Code Description Language Date * Release
    Code +3000224IT
    Description Educational - Programma corsi di formazione CAREL per utilizzare nel modo migliore tecnologie e sistemi delle applicazioni HVAC/R
    Language ITA 
    Date 13/03/2024
    Release 2.1
    Code +3000224EN
    Description Educational - MakeCAREL’s program of training courses to make the best use of HVAC/R application technologies and systems
    Language ENG 
    Date 13/03/2024
    Release 2.1
    Code +3000224FR
    Description Educational - Programme de formation CAREL pour une utilisation optimale des technologies et des systèmes dans les applications HVAC/R
    Language FRE 
    Date 15/12/2023
    Release 2.0
    Code +800004030
    Description Soluzioni per Unità Trattamento Aria: Tecnologia e competenza per la qualità dell’aria e il risparmio energetico
    Language ITA 
    Date 05/04/2023
    Release 1.2
    Code +800004031
    Description Solutions for Air Handling Units: Technology and expertise for indoor air quality and energy saving
    Language ENG 
    Date 05/04/2023
    Release 1.2
    Code +800004036
    Description Rozwiązania dla central wentylacyjno-klimatyzacyjnych (AHU) - Technologia, doświadczenie i oszczędność energii dla jakości powietrza w pomieszczeniach
    Language POL 
    Date 05/04/2023
    Release 1.2